Silfina Face Lift

on Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Natural anti aging herbal formulation

Silfina face-lift checks the roughness of the face and it enhances the glow & smoothness of face. It checks the wrinkles of the face, as well as it enhances the lustrous of skin.
A Lustrous and soft skin is like a reward for a beautiful face. For having a healthy skin, one should be healthy from inside and glowing skin is an indication of internal health. As we all know our skin is very delicate and in order to keep its beauty & lustrous one has to take care for it.
In our teens & youth the skin look best due to its elasticity. Environmental factors such as over exposure to Sun, smog, cigarette smoke can all have an adverse effect on our skin. Weaking of collagen and elastin fibers causes reduced firmness of the skin.
Being an eliminatory organ, skin eliminates toxin from our body, but if the other eliminatory organs (kidney, liver & blows are not working as well as they should. There may be appearance of pigmentation (as a single spot or in clust) on the skin.
Innumerable internal & external factors may lead to some of the common skin problems. Acne and non-cancerous growth such as, moles & warts are some of the most common skin problem.

Herbs used :
1. Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) Roots,
2. Vacha (Accorus calamus) roots,
3. Haldi (curcuma long) Rhizome,
4. Chandan (Santalum alum) wood,
5. Vatta (Ficus benglensis) roots,
6. Mendika (law Sonia alba) seed,
7. Gulab (Rosa damasena) lower,
8. Narangi (orange) (citrus auralm ) fruit rind,
9. Massurdal (Nansesculenta) seed,
10. Lime (citrus bergamia) nimbu, rind leaf.

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